Tuesday 17 July 2012

The Hepworth Gallery, Wakefield

Today, I made my third trip in less than a year to The Hepworth Gallery in my home town of Wakefield.  Let me start by saying that I think it's fantastic to have something like this in Wakefield which is a place that really needs regeneration and modernisation. Although the building isn't hugely attractive from the outside, it does house some very interesting pieces and is a lovely way to spend a spare hour or two.  However, I was saddened to note, on this particular visit, that despite the free entry to the museum, parking has gone up to a flat fee of £4.50.  Granted you get five hours for this price but no one would ever spend that long at The Hepworth as you can easily get round it in an hour.  Thus, I think there should be options for one hour, two, three etc in order that you only pay for what you are using. Unfortunately for me, I had just put in my pin number to the machine (it takes cards now you know!) when a lovely lady came up to me saying she had almost four hours left on her ticket and did I want it (she obviously didn't need the ridiculous five hours in the gallery either!).  Sadly it was too late as my payment was going through but I thought that was a very kind gesture and she did manage to give it away to the next person who came along.  Once I had got over my trauma about the parking and finally got inside, I was not disappointed.  I enjoy wandering alone through the galleries and even though I know very little about art and sculpture, I know what I like and some of the pieces are beautiful.  It is also fascinating to learn more about the gallery's Wakefield born namesake, Barbara Hepworth whose life is told through various objects belonging to her and pieces of work in various stages of development.

Some of the galleries within The Hepworth remain constant whilst others change every few months or so.  This time, there was a very interesting collection of photographs and other work by artist Richard Long which I particularly enjoyed (this exhibition is in The Hepworth from 23rd June to 14th October).  I was also intrigued by the film that was being shown in the gallery made by 2012 Turner Prize nominee, Luke Fowler.  I cannot profess to have completely understood the concept but I can confirm that I was the only person who remained to watch the entire 1 hour film at its 11.10am showing.  I won't give too much away but I will say that if you are interested in the social history of West Yorkshire then you may find the film interesting.

I was really pleased to see a school party looking round the gallery today with a large group of children of around 9 or 10 years old all taking an interest in their surroundings and listening carefully to their guide.  Their teachers must have been really proud.

After you have finished taking in the art, The Hepworth has a lovely little shop and a restaurant which sells lovely coffee that I would highly recommend.  All in all, if you are looking for something to fill an hour or two of your day then you can't go far wrong with this little piece of culture which may seem out of sorts in a city filled with pound shops but has certainly earned its place in what is hopefully the start of a cultural revolution in the city of Wakefield.

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