Sunday 15 July 2012

37 year old babysitter!!

Unfortunately, being a single parent and having a relatively low paid job as a teaching assistant for the past 6 years has meant that I have struggled for money for as long as I can remember.  Things are going from bad to worse in September when I begin the Graduate Teacher Programme as my already meagre salary is reduced by the unfortunate sum of at least £3,000 a year.  How will you manage you may ask.  The honest answer is I have no idea!

Therefore, I have taken several babysitting jobs over the past year in a vain attempt to gain some extra cash.  I have a few lovely people who take pity on me every few months and put the odd babysitting job my way.  Sadly, there is something quite sad about being a 37 year old babysitter but needs must I'm afraid.  And the kids and the parents I work for are lovely and generous, appreciating the fact that I can't work for the same as a 15 year old would.  Incidentally, when I was 15 I babysat every Friday for the grand total of £5.00 per night - I thought I was loaded!  I will not disclose my fee these days though in order to protect the privacy of my wonderful clientele.  Lets just say it's a bit more than my 15 year old self brought home each Friday.

However, the money I earn from this extra curricular activity isn't spent on shoes, handbags and bottles of Castaway like the £5.00 of old was.  This money gets put away for less interesting but sadly more necessary things such as car tax and supermarket shopping.  That's what happens when you're 37 and poor.

This poverty thing may not last forever.  Perhaps when I'm in my 40's and established as a teacher, I will, for the first time ever, be able to treat myself to nice things and go back to having my nails done and my eyebrows waxed.  The thing is, even if I do, I won't let down the people that have been so kind giving me these occasional babysitting jobs when I really need it.  If they need me, I'll still be there.  But this time, the money won't be spent on car tax and supermarket shopping.  It will be spent on shoes, handbags and bottles of..........a good quality dry white wine!  My Castaway days are definitely over :)



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