Friday 3 August 2012

Victoria Clever Clogs

Sorry I've been a bit quiet for the last few days.  I've been in shock.  And for once in my life, it's for a good reason.  I received my results for my final Open University module on Tuesday (I received a Grade 2 pass which I was pleased with) but more importantly, during the afternoon I received confirmation that I have been awarded my BA (Hons) Open Degree with a 2:1 classification!!!! Honestly, I am gobsmacked!!!  I began my OU journey in 2008 and never could have imagined that I would gain a 2:1.  With all the stuff I've had to contend with throughout the last few years, I could only hope that I had achieved the 2:2 I needed to proceed on the Graduate Teacher Programme in September.  And I would have been thrilled with that.  But I surpassed my own expectations and probably those of most of the people I know and finally, at the age of 37, I have letters after my name and in October will be attending my graduation ceremony in Manchester with pride. Hopefully I have done something which will make my family proud too.

Watching the London 2012 games, I have the utmost respect and admiration for the athletes who sacrifice so much and give every bit of themselves to achieve something remarkable.  I only wish I had a tiny bit of their determination, drive and focus and that I had an amazing talent for something.  But gaining this degree against all odds in less than four years, although a drop in the ocean to many, is a gold medal moment for me.  It has proved to me that perhaps I can achieve things if I set my mind to it and who knows what is to come in the future.  I won't even win an Olympic medal but maybe, just maybe, things will start to look up for me from now on.  Keep your fingers crossed for me please :)



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