Saturday 4 August 2012

Proud to be British

Almost this time last year, Britain was in chaos.  The riots that horrified the nation and threatened to turn us into the scourge of Europe were about to take place.  Young disillusioned kids who wanted things they couldn't have decided to take matters into their own hands and show the authorities exactly what they thought about this country.  It was a terrifying time and a time when I, for one, was ashamed to be British.

A year later and how the tables have turned.  With all the negativity surrounding the build up to the Olympic Games with so many people criticising and accusing the country of spending too much money and making a mess of the whole thing, it would have been easy to believe that we were going to be the laughing stock of the world.  But against all odds, we've done it.  We pulled it off.  An incredibly innovative and moving opening ceremony followed by a stream of inspiring and unbelievable performances by Team GB.

These athletes represent all that is good about our nation.  They display discipline, focus, a ridiculously strong work ethic, sportsmanship and determination.  Everything that last year's rioters were lacking.  If our young people are looking for a role model, someone to aspire to be like then they could do worse than someone like Jessica Ennis, Rebecca Adlington, Mo Farah or any of Team GB because win or lose they have shown what it means to be British.  There are so many 'celebrities' out there who are famous simply for being famous, for taking part in Big Brother or sleeping with a footballer and unfortunately many of our younger generation think that as long as you're famous it doesn't matter how you get there.  The Team GB athletes have shown that fame isn't what you need to be a role model.  You need to have that drive to be the best you can be.  It doesn't matter if you are the best in the world as long as you are the best version of you that you can be.

If there was ever a time to be proud to be British, this is it.  We may have financial problems, we may have high unemployment and lots of things seem to go wrong around here.  But right here, right now, there isn't anywhere that most of us would rather be.  Just in the time I've been sitting at my computer tonight, Team GB have won three track and field gold medals.  Three.  In one night.  We are third in the medal table.  A tiny nation like ours up there with giants of the world like the USA and China.  And that is because our tiny nation has spirit.  And grit.  And the will to achieve something great.

Think back to this time last year once again.  People attempting to achieve change with violence and destruction.  And now we have people attempting to achieve change in a different way.  A positive way.  Proving that if you want something badly enough, you need to work as hard as you possibly can in order to get it.  And one day it may just happen.  Whether it's an Olympic medal or a good job or an iPad or in my case an Honours Degree, if you put your mind to it and believe then you never know.

Thank you Team GB for making us proud to be British and keep those medals coming in.



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